It didn’t take me long but I have figured out what I plan to do with this blog, or rather what I first plan on doing with this blog. As you may know this blog will mostly be used for opinions on fanfiction and my general hobbies of games and manga and as such the first thing I plan to do is fanfiction related.
I intend to update this blog once every weekend and for the first 10 weekends I shall be posting my views on my top ten favourite fanfics. This is in part to get a clear idea of what I love about fanfiction but also to spread word of the greatness of these fanfics. I will discuss them as I would a review, saying what I liked, disliked and thought could be improved but each one is mind-blowing in their own right (they wouldn’t be in my top ten otherwise).
After the top ten fanfics I plan to start a series as it were titled ‘What I thought they should have done with...’. This will address various games and manga and will for the most part be opinionated. I would love to hear others opinions on this section in particular. This won’t start though until after I have listed my top ten favourite fanfics (as I spend most of my time in the Super Smash Bros section a good deal of them are smash bros fanfics) but once I have done that my first entry into the ‘What I thought they should have done with...’ series will be Sonic.
I may upload the first of the top ten fanfics tomorrow if I have time otherwise it will be next weekend that this blog will be put to good use.