Monday 21 March 2011


As the title suggests I'm new to this site and so any mistakes I make are made through inexperience with this format and site design. It seems simple enough so I should be able to grasp the mechanics.

Truth be told this blog was made in the spur of the moment and a part of me does regret making this in such a hurry. I know I can at least use this to out down my personal opinion on a recent event which will be kept around unlike when I use my profiles on other site in which having too much information crowds the important stuff. Here though that is the entire point so no worries about it from me.

Though it will probably be a while until I post anything I must first tell of what I will post. For the most part I will be posting about one of my favourite hobbies, fanfiction. It's a strange thing to do but I will mostly be commenting about fanfiction on this blog. In fact the title Review King even comes from my title on the site, Otherwise my posts will be rather general, my experiences with certain manga or recently purchased games or even discussing recent events. For the moment though I'm going to relax and think of what to do first. I have always wanted to list my top ten favourite fanfics with reasons as to why and this looks like the perfect place to do it.

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