Monday, 18 June 2012

Month of Negatives: Week 2 - Songs!

My internet connection has been a bugger for most of the day but hopefully I'll be able to finish this here post before it acts up again. Anyway, welcome to the second week of my month of negatives in which I will be discussing my ten least favourite songs of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Speaking of songs, though in a positive light, I happened to stumble upon the following the other day If the link doesn't work just type in 'A Shipper's Lament (The Shipping Rap)' into YouTube and find the video by Gryfinz. I'm not a fan of rap music but this one is an enjoyable one and explains the mind-set (as well as pokes a little bit of fun) of shippers, and should be pleasing to two people who read this blog (well, the only two people who read this blog) for a certain thing we have in common that the song mentions several times.

Moving on from that it is time to discuss my fanfiction progress...or it would be if I got any of it done. Well to be fair I got a little bit done but then the rest of the week my attention has laid elsewhere, setting up my DeviantART account (as a means to store fan-art I like, not to draw, despite my average Art GCSE grade and well received final piece I suck at drawing) and of course, watching E3. I think I'll talk about that a little instead then. E3 this year was a little disappointing and a little underwhelming, part of this blame lies with myself for having too high of expectations but the other problem I believe lies in the lack of surprises. At least in regards to the big three, Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo revealed barely anything that we did not already know of from last year, or before E3. It wouldn't have been so bad if we had only known of them via spoken word or rumours but no, we had already seen footage of most of the games at this year E3. Still there were of course games I am looking forward to at this year’s E3, although I was already looking forward to Dead or Alive 5, Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing Transformed and Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale, but one new title caught my interest, Project P-100 for the Wii U (I much prefer the name Cafe but Wii U does role off the tongue smoothly). So this year’s E3 was not nearly as enjoyable as the two before it (2010 when Nintendo dominated, and 2011 when Sony showed off the Vita and Nintendo announced the Wii U and several 3DS titles) but they can't all be winners; here's hoping that the next Expo will be able to keep some big secrets long enough to surprise everyone at said Expo.

10) Evil Enchantress (Pinkie Pie Version) – Before I begin let me just say that I like this song, it’s humorous, and while not all that good it doesn’t last long enough to hurt and Pinkie even comments that it is a work in progress so it has reason to not be as good as other songs. The reason it is here is that, in part, I needed a tenth song to make a ‘my ten least favourite songs list’, but another reason it is here is that the Pinkie Pie version of this song is overshadowed in the very episode it appears in by Flutterguy’s version. Pinkie Pie’s may be the original but it can’t compare to the version sung by a deep and manly voiced Fluttershy.

9) Smile, Smile, Smile - So let’s see here, I just put my head through this noose and jump, and this will give me a less painful death than what the bronies will once they get a hold of me. Fair enough.

I’ve probably angered anyone who is reading this simply by stating that I dislike Pinkie Pie’s Smile, Smile, Smile song, but before you raid my floating castle and bludgeon me to death, allow me to explain why. It has its positives, explains the character of Pinkie Pie well and pretty much fits as her theme song, and the tune is rather catchy, but I’m still not too fond of it. I remember enjoying it the first time I listened to it, before I watched the episode, but in the episode it felt too long, I got bored of it, and now the song is over-hyped and over-done. So yeah, it’s a well-made song, but I find it too long, a bit boring, and not nearly as lovable as many of Pinkie Pie’s other songs.

8) So Many Wonders – This song starts off well for about the first 15 seconds but then becomes overly energetic and annoying. Luckily it’s short but I don’t like Fluttershy’s voice in this.

7) Pinkie’s Gala Fantasy Song – It doesn’t feel like a song, has too much talking but unlike the other talkative songs doesn’t feel like a musical piece or a conversation, and lacks quality humour to make up for its poor song quality. I’m also not the biggest fan of the music that plays along with it.

6) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Opening Theme Song (Short Version) – I’m really hoping for a new opening theme for season 3, or simply the use of the much better, extended version of this song for the opening as I’m tired of skipping the opening to each episode. It hurts to listens too and feels rather uncreative.

5) At The Gala – Bring on the hate! I have previously said before that I disliked this song and shall stand by my dislike of the song. It’s dull, not nearly as catchy as the other long songs, and the only part which feels fitting to the character (and is enjoyable to listen to) is Rainbow Dash’s small part.

4) Oink, Oink, Oink – Short, repetitive, and I’m not a fan of the music in this. Considering the Cake twins reaction in this I assume this was supposed to be bad but that still doesn’t excuse it, as I have liked (and in one case you may know of, loved) other songs that were purposely intended to of poor quality but not this one.

3) Junior Speedsters Chant – I never even considered this a song but it’s listed as one on the wiki so fair enough. Neither Rainbow Dash nor Gilda seem like there singing it, there is no music going along with it, and it just feels plain and boring. The contrast between Rainbow Dash and Gilda singing the song also does not strike me as much, as while Dash is enthusiastic about it, it still feels like she is just reciting something of a piece of paper like you would a set of instructions.

2) The Heart Carol – The first time I heard this song I could not tell what was being sung, but even without knowing what they were singing I could tell that it didn’t sound like the Mane 6 voices. I’m not a fan of the choir music and it in turn has an annoyingly hymn vibe to it which I’m not a fan of either. Luckily it is so short that I only had to bear with it for 40 seconds.

1) I’m at the Grand Galloping Gala - The fact that I couldn’t even remember this at first until I looked up all the songs in the show says a lot about it. It’s unmemorable, short, and the pitch of Pinkie Pie’s voice in this song is one of the few times I find her voice annoying.

Going into even more detail regarding the rank of these songs and my opinions of them, the song ranked number 10 is one I like however it is over-shadowed by its superior and there are many songs that I can name to which I consider better than it. The songs ranked from place number 9 to place number 7 are ones that I'm not fond of, but I can easily understand why others may like them and only feel the urge to skip them if I want to get round to watching the rest of the episode quicker. The bottom 6 songs on the other hand consist of those I really dislike and prefer to skip said songs in the episodes they appear in. Like before, please feel free to comment on the songs listed and you can even mention the songs of the show that have caused pain to your ears that I may not have listed, cheerio!   

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