Sunday 3 April 2011

My Top Ten Favourite Fanfics: 10) Marth's Curse Reeditized

Title: Marth’s Curse Reeditized
Author: Pikana
Category: Super Smash Bros
Genres: Gender Bender/Romance/Comedy
Rating: T
Chapters: 17
I could have chosen many fanfics to place in at number 10, heck I even had plans to add another fanfic by this same author at number 10, but of them all Marth’s Curse Reeditized stood out. Not just because it’s a gender bender fanfic or because it features several authors (including myself) as characters but because it is simple on the outside and deep on the inside. When you first glance at it, it’s simple in its premise, it’s plot and it’s storytelling but even within that there is a surprising amount of hidden depth and by the time you finish reading you will have seen the realism and darkness that lays beneath all the smiles and insanity. Admittedly the reverse can also be said, for even in the darkest and most philosophic of moments there will always be something to make you smile; be it subtle or in your face.
First, I should summarise the plot. I will not though spoil too much for you as I’m doing this top ten thing is in part, to get people reading these terrific fanfics that can all be found on On a very stereotypical happy day the smash bros are spending time at their pool, all having a good time. Pikana, the authoress of the world (and Pikachu’s girlfriend) arrives, only for Marth to accidentally kick her in the head. Pikana, who is easily angered, and Marth, who had been dealing with quite a bit of stress that morning, begin to fight only for the authoress to pull out her plot book. The author’s plot books allow them to change their worlds and the characters within it however they want (they are effectively god-like when in their own worlds) and so Pikana uses it on Marth to...turn him into a girl. I’m serious; her revenge scheme involves turning Marth into Martha.
The story revolves around Martha’s struggle to adjust to what she hopes is a temporary time as a girl, her dealing with the consistent pranks by the various authors, and the problems emerging with her best friend Roy. While I don’t need to explain how Martha has to adjust to the new lifestyle I should explain the other two parts to the story. After Pikana curses Marth she gathers a group of her author friends and pays them to play pranks on Martha, and sometimes whoever is with her at the time (mostly Roy), but the pranks are done in order to set Martha and Roy up in order to have them fall in love with one another. This varies from up-skirting Martha in front of Roy to pouring a scent based attraction solution on Martha, causing Roy’s brain to go haywire around her. Thus the third and probably the most important part is discussed, the relationship between Martha and Roy, in which the romance comes in. Before the gender change Marth was Roy’s best friend, and still is the most supporting for Martha in all this time, however as a result of some hidden persuasion they begin to realise they have feelings for one another. This becomes even more frustrating for Martha as she receives letters from her fiancé, Sheeda. That’s the plot but there is a good amount of depth involved in it, particularly in how Pikana’s plans are not all they seem to be.
There is a lot to love about this fanfic as it does have a lot within it. The writing is pretty good on average but excels into the realm of simply marvellous from time to time, the last chapter being the best example of the great writing within. Marth and Roy, considering their situation, are more in character than the majority of super smash bros fanfics. As for the most part they are under either stress or being influenced by the hidden conspirators of the plot, their reactions are different behaviours are to be expected. When characters such as Kirby are taken from their normal structure it is often with good intent, furthermore Kirby provides some of the greatest humour in the entire fanfic.
The fanfic has a wide array of humour, it can be crack and it can be simple, it can be referential or it can be subtle, even intelligent humour is present. Not a single chapter goes without a laugh and that includes the darker, more serious chapters. Though don’t fret, the constant comedy hijinks do not ruin the reputation or mood of the more serious moments, the humour actually transforms itself so it fits in with the current situation, usually making it subtle, ironic or sarcastic. The dark moments themselves are written beautifully, the author being an expert at portraying sinister emotions and how the characters deal with them. Tone is also something done well, there are plenty of them and you can always tell what tone is currently set.
The introductions of the fanfic, Marth’s situation, and the authors are all done briskly, the setting of the plot being done without delay and yet not spoilt by its speed. The ending, though it goes onto a sequel, isn’t a cliff-hanger. You could easily end the fanfic there with only one question looming over your shoulders, a question that if I were to talk of would ruin the entire point of Pikana’s grand scheme. The ending mixes in all the best parts, the gender problem, the comedy, the romance, the psychology and philosophies, the struggle between choosing who to love, and it all written wonderfully. The ending is superb and few fanfics, or even published stories, can match up to it. Compliments must also be made to the childbirth scene, which is a more intense and adrenaline fuelled moment than the majority of action scenes.
Finally I get onto the authors, to which out of all currently completed author fanfics this is definitely the best one. Now fanfics with authors, or self-inserts as they are also known by, aren’t generally well received, and for good reason. The authors tend to be overpowered, steal the focus from the actual characters, and tend to always come out smelling like roses. While here the authors are powerful, without their plot books which give them control over their worlds, they are about the same level of strength as the smash bros. While the authors are vital to the story of this fanfic, being the cause of the events and the reason for the events moving the way it does, they do not steal the spotlight from the smashers who have even more memorable moments. Also, through their squabbles much of the humour between the authors involves them causing immense pain to one another, in the comical sense of course. There characters are made clear but they also develop over time, presenting more and more of themselves as they interact with the characters and become more involved in the sinister plot to which inspired the gender change of Marth (yes, there is some deep sinister plot behind the reasons why changing a man into a woman is needed). Each are individuals and express themselves differently, one of the highlights of the author moments would be in chapter 14, the only chapter that puts the authors at the centre of attention (though a serious moment near the end helps lead the fanfic to its finale). In this chapter the difference in reason for aiding Pikana are revealed, and the idea of doing wrong for the greater good is discussed through the usual comedy and one of the few fight scenes.
I can’t praise this fanfic forever though and so I must now enter the territory of criticism. Tone, though it is something I praise it is also something I must criticise. It varies too much and some readers don’t feel comfortable unless a tone is set for the fanfic, and this one changes when it feels it is needed. For me, I liked how the tone fit the writing, but I must admit that it changes very quick and doesn’t give some readers the time to adjust. A further problem is while some chapters are written fantastically; the writing is not consistent on one level. When the writing is not as impressive it is made obvious by the truly great writing the previous or later chapter, and this tends to be when you notice the faster paced, less described author scenes, to the smash bros set scenes where romance and comedy have to be on the go quite often, and described with detail contently in order to project the romance or emotional struggles.
While the authors have been used better than any other fanfic I do think it would help if their individual views were highlighted more often, particularly when Pikana’s motive for changing Marth’s gender is revealed and the concept of doing wrong for the greater good is raised. This is at least raised in Chapter 14 and makes a return in the final Chapter 17 for the authors.
My final criticism is in part about the sexual humour, and in part about one or two character presentations. I’m not going to complain at the featuring of sexual comedy, it works well considering it’s a gender bender and the author is good at utilising it. I do however complain, mostly in relation to chapter 12 which is the worst offender, of the copious amount of unnecessary sexual referencing. By the end of chapter 12 it had given the idea that nearly all the smashers had some sort sexual craving or fetish, particularly Link and Zelda of which had some of the strangest comments applied too. The presentation of their relationship, as this was one of the pairings in the fanfic, was not the joyous kind that soothes your eyes but more the dark and sexually explicit kind that began to disturb me. As one last comment I also felt chapter 12’s 101 rules were far too long, and quite a few of the rules (which often featured a sexual reference) repeated themselves.
So here you have it, my tenth favourite fanfic of all time. Marth’s Curse Reeditized is a remake of the original Marth’s Curse (also written by Pikana) and it has improved by tremendous leaps and bounds. It is a rare gender bender that gracefully pulls you in, tricking you with simple beginnings and then overloading your brain with deep questions, before rounding it off with a beautiful and somewhat saddening ending. It is the prequel to the upcoming remake of Wrath’s Journey and is a master of relationship exploration and development. Though its varying tones and skill level may frustrate some readers it is generally enjoyable for all and as all my top ten are, a must recommend fanfic. Furthermore it is proof that author based fanfics can work. If I were to create an award just for this shining gem I would dub it with ‘Best Gender Bender’. Congratulations Marth’s Curse Reeditized.

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