Monday 11 April 2011

Reason why I did not update!

A virus. Well a specific kind of virus generated by security companies to force you into purchasing their products but my computer was attacked by one and as such I couldn't access all my documents. So anyone who does read this (does anyone?) I'm afraid I could update this weekend as a result of the virus.

As a result I will upload number 9 in my top ten fanfics next weekend (which is this weekend). This is but a quick post to explain things so sorry if its a bit rushed. Cheerio!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh the same thing happened to me at the start of the year =(.. It was so bad, I had to re-install my operating system.. Did you lose any data?? I lost everything because I didn't back it up to an external hard drive O_O

    Yeah, I read it, I was wondering why you didn't update XD
