Now that season 2 is over, like with how I composed a short couple sentence opinion list of all season 1 episodes, I have done much the same for the most recent season of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. If you have been reading any of my previous blog posts you may notice that some of my opinions on certain episodes have changed, and that is because I have had chance to reflect upon them and understand them in new ways. Enough of my babbling, I present to you my season 2 couple sentence opinions.
The Return of Harmony Part 1 – An average episode, Discord and his harsh but true lessons were brilliant aspects but the corruption of the Mane 6 felt rushed (with exception to Twilight and Rainbow Dash) and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were OOC in the opening.
The Return of Harmony Part 2 – An average episode, with the Rainbow Dash chase scene being a superbly done action moment however the episode is let down by the anti-climatic final battle.
Lesson Zero – A good episode, while there are several good things such as Rainbow’s sonic nuke, Fluttershy snapping a bear’s neck, and Spike breaking the fourth wall constantly, I have never felt an urge to re-watch the episode and the Mane 6 seemed too willing to abide by Celestia’s decision if she made one.
Luna Eclipsed – A good episode, Luna comes across as deep, amusing, and interesting however the episode is rather formulaic.
Sisterhooves Social – My fourth favourite episode of season 2 because of how touching and realistic the sibling relationships of Sweetie Belle and Rarity, as well as Apple Bloom and Applejack are. I also don’t have anything to criticise about this episode (a recurring thing seemingly with Rarity episodes).
The Cutie Pox – A good episode, my favourite part being tied between Twilight obtaining Rarity’s mane style and Spike adoring it, or the moment Apple Bloom asks her sister for help and you see the look of fear and horror on both their faces. Criticism comes in the form of the coincidental cure for a Heart’s Desire being a flower that requires you to tell the truth.
May The Best Pet Win – My fifth favourite episode of season 2, my favourite moment being the ‘May The Best Pet Win Song’ (It’s a Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash duet and the song closest to being a musical; in the fact that they are having a conversation through song). As for a flaw, nothing in this episode was exceptionally funny, there was lots of humour but it never made me roar with laughter and the jokes don’t spring to mind easily.
The Mysterious Mare Do Well – An average episode, though I had for a long while considered it poor. Originally I had believed the rest of the characters (not Rainbow Dash; she came across as sympathetic to me) came across as jerks but when I saw an episode where they really did come across as jerks, I realised they were not mean in this episode, just that their plan was stupid. Even when I did consider it poor though I was able to enjoy it for its superhero parodies and the fact that Rainbow Dash asking why she is alone is for me, the saddest moment in this entire series (Sisterhooves Social made me sad but even that was outdone for the sadness I felt when Rainbow was all alone).
Sweet and Elite – A fantastic episode, loved for the introduction of Fancy Pants, the fact that they surprised me with the lesson, and for the moment the Mane 6 are partying (both Twilight’s party and the garden party). My only criticism is that I find it strange that Rarity would need to lie in the first place, considering she and her friends have saved country twice.
Secret of my Excess – A fantastic episode, for many a reason but I will just point out three. The development of Rarity and Spike’s relationship, Spike’s rampage through Ponyville, and the fact that this was the episode that made me ship FlutterDash (yes, a Sparity episode made me ship FlutterDash). I don’t really have anything big enough to be worth criticising so nothing to say for negatives.
Family Appreciation Day – An average episode, with only the introduction of timber wolves and a few scenes of the Cutie Mark Crusaders (Scootaloo hitting a light bulb, Sweetie Belle bucking the zap apple tree, and Scootaloo delivering a telegram) being of any interest to me. The rest of the episode was just boring to me.
Baby Cakes – A good episode, with all-round great comical and emotional moments. Nothing to fault really, it just wasn’t the strongest of episodes and lacked a moment that truly had me in hysterics (constant giggles, sure, bursting out loud with laughter, no).
Hearth’s Warming Eve – A fantastic episode, the history of Equestria being presented in the form of a play being simply marvellous and this has for me Pinkie Pie’s best moments though I dislike friendship being formed on the basis that if they are not friends they get killed by Windigoes, kind of ruins the whole message.
The Last Roundup – My favourite episode of the entire series, I loved every moment of the episode, especially the chase scene, and my one criticism is concerning fan-reaction, Applejack being ignored almost entirely because of Derpy and how many seem to only consider it good because of Derpy.
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 – My third favourite episode of season 2 and for good reason. Overall it is amazing thanks to a brilliant song and a nice recurring joke with Rainbow Dash but it also has my favourite opening and closing moments to an episode in the entire series. It starts with what is effectively a FlutterDash opening and ends with Applejack trolling Princess Celestia. I can understand those who dislike this episode, the song goes on for too long, neither group seems to have much business sense, and the Flim Flam brother’s exit is rushed due to time restraints.
Read it and Weep – A poor episode because of how boring I find it. The ‘Rainbow Dash stealing slippers’ joke is hilarious and the Daring Doo moment where all the cliché death traps happen all at once are funny however I have to manage to keep myself awake to witness these scenes.
Hearts and Hooves Day – A fantastic episode, my favourite thing about it is tied between ‘The Perfect Stallion’ song and Sweetie Belle’s role in the episode. I dislike Twilight’s crammed in appearance and Zecora’s absence though the true negative comes in the form of the reaction of the FlutterMac fans to the premise of this episode.
A Friend in Deed – A good episode, which displays Pinkie Pie at both her best and worst. It’s a brilliant study of Pinkie Pie as a character and Crankey Doodle Donkey comes across well but the ending is a rushed copout and prevents the episode from reaching a fantastic rating in my opinion.
Putting Your Hoof Down – A poor episode, as while I did enjoy the ‘old Fluttershy, new Fluttershy’ joke quite a bit a lot of the episode made no sense, in particular how Fluttershy becomes the meanest character in the entire series without much effort (even her Discorded self seems nice in comparison).
It’s About Time – A fantastic episode with my favourite part about the episode being the disaster proofing Equestria scene, it just invoked strong feelings of community spirit and presented the way I wish our world was more like. My only criticism is how the moral comes close to being a ‘you can’t change fate’ message.
Dragon Quest – an average episode and the closest one to being rated as good instead. It has several neat moments that stand out, my favourite being Rarity threatening to rip the dragons to pieces, but the dragons themselves are stereotypical jocks and it ends up creating a middle half to the episode which is predictable and bland (the lava dive and Crackle joke being the only parts to amuse me during that middle point).
Hurricane Fluttershy – My second favourite episode of season 2 as it demonstrates the relationship between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash brilliantly, every moment these two characters were in the same scene was a moment I smiled. It also stars all my favourite characters par one; Scootaloo, and her absence/lack of mention, is the only fault I find with this episode.
Ponyville Confidential – A poor episode and my least favourite of the entire series. Several of the characters act like hypocritical jerks to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, or just plain jerks, and this was the first time watching this entire series that I wanted to inflict actual pain to a character. Big Mac’s talk to the Cutie Mark Crusaders got me so angry that the only thing I wanted to do was grab a crowbar, find my way to Equestria, and break each of his legs as I pummel him in with it. The humour was generally weak and the only saving graces I find to this episode are the characters of Rarity and Diamond Tiara. Rarity is the only one who acts like they should when pointing out that a child has done something wrong, she admits to her hypocrisy and sits down and explains what Sweetie Belle did wrong and why it is wrong. As for Diamond Tiara, she stops being simply bitchy and becomes outright evil in this episode; and I love it, she truly feels like an antagonistic villain in this episode and her moments were always good to see. Unless it’s a part of a marathon, this is probably the only episode I will never watch again.
MMMystery on the Friendship Express – A good episode, most notable for Pinkie Pie’s imagination sequences (my favourite is Gustavs) but the quality and interest in the episode starts to decline after that and unfortunately this episode has suffered from me having extremely high expectations.
A Canterlot Wedding Part 1 – A good episode, with an ending that made me yell out "Holy s**t! They just killed Twilight!" On the negative side I would say Candence’s power irritates me and is never explained too well (also Twilight’s friends abandoning her so easily).
A Canterlot Wedding Part 2 – A fantastic episode, the final battle was once again rushed and pathetic but the action scenes leading up to it were terrific and my favourite part will always be Rainbow Dash kissing Fluttershy because while this alone does not make the pairing canon I still saw
Rainbow Dash kissing Fluttershy! I'd love to see people commenting on this; be it whether you agree or disagree, discussion will always be appreciated. Cheerio!