Wednesday, 11 April 2012

A response to my first comment on my old musing of Hurricane Fluttershy.

It was only after finishing a nice, long response to my first commenter on my Old Musing posts that I found out that there is a character limit to replies. As such, having already spent a long time writing the reply, I have decided to simply respond to Look down Look up Youre a Brony here. So the following is my response to Look Down Look Up Youre a Brony’s comment on my musing of Hurricane Fluttershy.

Thank you very much for the comment, the first comment I have recieved for my old musing posts here on Blogspot. Even though the comment expresses an opinion that disagrees with mine I am joyful to receive nonetheless and this at least opens up room for debate and discussion.

From your comments it seems you are not too fond of Rainbow Dash and it’s a shame this episode didn’t win you over because it is the most likable Rainbow Dash gets, being the best presentation of her as the element of loyalty. Anyway I will not bring up the topic of the pairings of FlutterSparkle (or is it TwiShy) and FlutterDash because I have never thought much about Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle being a pairing while Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash is my favourite pairing of all and we will be here a long time if I were to focus on it. Instead I will try and downplay your argument of Rainbow Dash caring more for the record than Fluttershy with my own argument.

First, while Rainbow Dash did indeed care for breaking the wing power record, that does not collate directly with her dreams. It would indeed help her chances with joining the wonderbolts but the breaking of the record is more akin to Applejack performing in the rodeo in ‘The Last Roundup’, it’s for Ponyville, after all the hurricane creation is a community event. Secondly, Rainbow Dash’s dreams never even entered the fold of the episode, for not only did Rainbow Dash play little heed towards Spitfire’s appearance but she even passed credit that she was being given to Fluttershy. That though is merely my reasoning for why Rainbow Dash’s dreams were never brought up as a part of the episode however the main argument of yours is that Rainbow Dash did not start caring for Fluttershy until after she knew that they could beat the record without her, something I plan to disprove.

First, Rainbow Dash changes her approach with Fluttershy. This is the first time we ever see it happen but Rainbow Dash puts a lid on her more direct behaviour and actually reflects on Fluttershy’s feelings, and tries to convince both calmly and sympathetically. Second, she accepts that Fluttershy doesn’t want to participate, and rather than resorting to force, she leaves. She’s saddened but she accepts that her friend doesn’t want to participate and allows her not to. Third, she tries to get Fluttershy to participate regardless of how much of a difference her contribution would make...twice. The second time, sure, they knew that they had enough wing power to break the record but the first time they didn’t, and Rainbow Dash flies on after Fluttershy. This is where you argued that Rainbow Dash’s “I need you!” is for wanting to break the record however that makes little sense when considering how small Fluttershy’s wing power was. Furthermore there is a genuine tone of concern to her, through Rainbow’s voice, expression, and most of all action, once Fluttershy leaves. She reaches out for her, trying to say something but not knowing what to say to help her friend leaving only to be able to buck in frustration and return to coaching downcast. I personally see the “I need you!” to be a matter of support, Fluttershy simply being there in some form being enough to boost Rainbow’s morale and ability, knowing she has a friend helping her in this important task, but it is open for interpretation just like you’ve got a very different one to mine. Fourth and final example I will use is when the pegasus are trying to create the hurricane for the second time. At this point Rainbow Dash isn’t trying to break the record but is simply trying to create the hurricane necessary for Cloudsdale. She crashes by Fluttershy, but doesn’t try to ask her for help despite how much they need it. Rainbow Dash accepts that her friend doesn’t want to participate and puts her friend’s choice over a vital role needed to support the whole of Equestria.

Like with most of the things I speak of regarding my musings, they can often be found but better said by other reviewers such as James Corck at or by PaleoSteno at I would recommend reading/watching their reviews. Once again, thanks for commenting and thanks for expressing your opinion even if may differ greatly from my own. Cheerio!

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