I happen to be up very late tonight, or as it's past midnight, very early. Anyway here is my old Fimfiction post on 'Hearts and Hooves Day', written on 11th February 2012.
As for the episode of which, yes I watched the episode early, and as such have had plenty of time to think about it, my first thought is one of four words; The song is awesome. I loved the Hearts and Hooves Day song, it had tons of fan shout outs, it's memorable, and it's also funny. Though I imagine many people’s favourite part is the pony obsessed with jars of jelly, mine is the ending line of Apple Blooms.
I can automatically say that I found this week's episode to be much more enjoyable than the last, and I really liked it in general. Sweetie Belle stole most of the show, but even then there are parts with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Big Mac, Cheerilee, and even background characters to which I can remember with a smile. I found the love potion plot to be a well executed one, not original, but it's one of the better versions of the plot.
Despite my enjoyment though I can still voice some dissatisfaction about it, for instance, not much of the episode was devoted to the love potion premise and I thought there was a lot more they could have done with it in regards to stalling tactics or love potion antics (for instance I wonder what happened to the rest of the love potion they had left over). The absence of Zecora was also disappointing and while Twilight Sparkle may be my favourite character I would have found it much more interesting to have the Cutie Mark Crusaders encounter Zecora, rather than Twilight (and thus we would end up with an episode where not a single one of the Mane 6 appears; not a concept I like usually but here I wouldn't mind it).
In the end my thoughts on the episode are this; while much more could have been done with the episode, it is, one of the best executions of the love potion plot I have watched and an episode I found immensely enjoyable. I also cannot get the Hearts and Hooves Day song out of my head and yet, I don't mind, it's an amazing song to have stuck in your head.
Nothing else to say, my opinions on this episode remain pretty much unchanged and it still stands as one of my favourite episodes of season 2. Feel free to comment and I hope you do, cheerio!
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