Thursday, 5 April 2012

An old 'Putting Your Hoof Down' musing.

No witty comments for the introduction or short informative sentence or two, just saying that this is my old post on the episode 'Putting Your Hoof Down', written on the 6th March 2012.

Now onto the hard part of today's blog entry, my episode analysis on 'Putting Your Hoof Down'. My opinion on this episode is much like that I have for 'A Friend in Deed', in the fact that I don't consider it a bad episode but nor do I consider it a great episode. The difference lies in that such a reasoning for a 'A Friend in Deed' came from its rushed cop-out ending and my hatred for Pinkie's actions within the episode (which would have been okay if she was reprimanded for her actions and learnt a lesson from it), with the episode itself being simply brilliant with great humour, catchy music (I actually preferred each of Pinkie's shorter songs to her Smile, Smile, Smile song) and a great new character in Cranky Doodle Donkey.

This week's episode had nothing objectionable to it per say (maybe one thing about it but such a thing can be excused by rule of funny), it just wasn't all that good. It had some funny moments, in particular the Old Fluttershy, New Fluttershy joke, and whiles the rest of the jokes where funny I don't find them memorable. The plot is simplistic and went about exactly as expected, it could have been worse and two weeks ago I feared the worse for it, and while it beat my worst expectations of it, after seeing the preview clip of it on Thursday I actually had my hopes up for the novel twist of having a large amount of Ponyville all become jerks from Iron Will's teachings, and not just Fluttershy. Sadly this didn't come true and it was simply Fluttershy who suffered from his teachings. Furthermore I was disappointed that the character of Iron Will wasn't more antagonistic, this show needs antagonists darn it, and while it was original for the large mouthed minotaur to come across as an okay guy (he was pushy but he accepted Fluttershy's refusal), doing so just made him rather bland (the only way I remember him is that he is voiced by the voice actor of Hercule from Dragonball Z, which is pretty awesome, I liked Hercule).

I enjoyed seeing Pinkie Pie and Rarity together (their character interactions are incredibly funny), I enjoyed Fluttershy's reaction to thinking she had become a monster, and I enjoyed seeing more of Angel Bunny (who is my third favourite character of the show and I'm going to have a lot of people complain at me for saying this aren't I) but overall the episode was for me, average at best, and somewhat poor at worst. I'll be sure to cheer myself up with next week's episode though because it is a Twilight Sparkle episode and I'll sure to enjoy an episode focusing on my favourite character even if I bet the episode, 'It's About Time' will include plenty of references I will not get (I do not like Doctor Who and I have never watched Back To The Future and as an episode about time travel what do you think the chances are that they will put in a joke about those two things).

My opinion of this episode has altered slightly since the review, the odd moment for the better but mostly for the worst. The character of Iron Will, while still coming across as a little bland, is still a neat, original move in having him be an okay guy. As for the rest though, well everyone being jerks, even for rule of funny, now feels inexcusable. Now Angel Bunny it's mostly okay for, his role is to be the funny jerk, but even in this episode I feel some of his actions take things to too high a level of jerk. It's strange that so many ponies of ponyville act like jerks, but even more bizarre is how Fluttershy became a jerk so easily. In fact, Fluttershy's moments proved her more evil than all previous villainous characters in the show (with possible exception to Nightmare Moon and Discord who were causing serious problems to the entire of Equestria with their actions). So overtime this episode has gone from being most likely poor in my opinion to being definitely poor. Please comment and cheerio!

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