Saturday, 7 April 2012

An Old 'It's About Time' musing.

I do believe I will get comments once I have not only caught up to the current episode, but also begin commenting on other review sites. The plan to comment on other review sites though is something I will not enact until after season 2 ends but hopefully one or two people will eventually find this blog and comment. Continuing on with this backlog, here is my old post on the episode ‘It’s About Time’ written on the 11th March 2012.
Recently I haven't been enjoying the episodes of Friendship is Magic. While I loved 'Hearts and Hooves Day', and I enjoyed 'A Friend in Deed' even if I dislike the rushed, cop out ending, I found 'Read it and Weep' to be boring, and 'Putting Your Hoof Down' to be irritating. As such I have found it hard to be optimistic towards the episodes as of late but then came 'It's About Time', an episode starring best pony Twilight Sparkle and it was about time she got back into the limelight because this episode was awesome.
True, the ending was predictable, but the jokes and events happening before the end were all worth it. Each of the mane 6 got a moment, even if Applejack's and Rarity's were fairly small, we got to see all of Ponyville banding together in scenes that warmed my heart, saw Cerberus attack Ponyville and Twilight nonchalantly going up to him, confident she could beat the guardian of Hades (or in this case, the gates of Tartarus), Twilight pacing a hole in the ground, Spike acting like an annoying but well meaning little brother, more Friendship is Witchcraft stuff becoming canon, Twilight going crazy in a more reasonable but still entertaining manner than she did in 'Lesson Zero', Twilight Sparkle breaking into the royal castle library along with Pinkie Pie and Spike, showing how useless the guards are once again, showing how pointless it was to sneak about in the first place and no letter to Celestia was given. That, which is pretty much the entire episode, are all the things that I liked.
I preferred the more structured but still rather eccentric and creepy manner of crazy Twilight went through here than the outright manically insane crazy she went through in 'Lesson Zero'. I was also pleasantly surprised by the introduction of Cerberus and was roaring with both laughter and amazement at the reactions of Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Fluttershy in that instance. Sure the ending was predictable and the moral came close to a 'you can't change your destiny' morale (which I hate, liking the Tengen Toppa style of throwing reason to the curb and doing the impossible route when facing destiny morale instead) but otherwise I loved this episode.
Next week's episode is 'Dragon Quest' an episode I will love if it includes a great deal of RPG references and parodies (even if I'm not a fan of the Dragon Quest series in particular) but one which I fear will lack involvement on the part of the Mane 6 (hopefully they are involved in a good deal as I miss each of the six main characters when they are not featured).
Opinions remain unchanged on this episode, still one of my top ten for season 2 and almost a top ten episode for the entire season (I can't decide which is better, this episode or 'Hearts and Hooves Day'). Feel free to comment, I will reply if you do, and cheerio!

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