Wednesday, 4 April 2012

An Old 'A Friend In Deed' musing

Apparently my blog post that was uploaded earlier this morning at 40 minutes past midnight counts as being a part of yesterday. Strange. Anyway, this means I will be uploading a post in less than 24 hours of each other as the last one counted as part of yesterday so I need one up for today. Not that anyone appears to be reading them as of yet but hey, maybe when I get up to date with the episodes they will. Here now is my old Fimfiction post on the episode 'A Friend In Deed', written on the 18th February 2012.

Now onto the episode, 'A Friend in Deed', an episode I have had much trouble thinking about. I can safely say that today's episode is not a bad one and avoids being placed in my dislike category alongside 'Owl's Well That Ends Well', 'The Mysterious Mare Do Well' and 'Read It And Weep' but I know I can't consider it a great episode either. It has a ton of good things about it, the song is a really good one, and while my enjoyment of it was only about average I can see it was presented well and gives a good feel for the character of Pinkie Pie.

The humour was humorous as one would expect from a Pinkie Pie episode, the plot was nicely thought of, the continuity and fan shout outs were lovely to see, and I really like Cranky Doodle Donkey. He rejects Pinkie Pie's friendship but never comes across as harsh, he shows he is grateful when she does something nice for him that actually works out, and when he does become mean towards Pinkie there's actually a good reason and Pinkie Pie actually deserves the prompted reaction.

Now you may be wondering how, despite all these liked parts of the episode, I can still be debating to myself on whether was good or not. The answer to this is that there are also a lot of things I disliked, such as how this episode made me actually dislike Pinkie Pie by the end of it. It's strange in how well they present Pinkie Pie during the first half of the episode but when it goes onto to the second half and focuses on her attempts to become friends with Cranky, she comes across as intrusive and disrespectful. Cranky is politely refusing Pinkie Pie's friendship but she is insistent, and her attempts not only end up causing him trouble but also end up damaging his property. The ending feels rushed, as rushed as the ending of the episode Friendship is Magic part 2, maybe even more so, and ends up feeling weak as a result. I also dislike how Pinkie Pie's intrusive behaviour was never addressed as part of the moral, and with the way the episode turns out it seems to say that she was right in how she acted. As for the moral, while I agree with it, it never felt like the main issue and I imagine that such a moral could have been reflected in an episode with a more fitting design. I guess the reason why I’m having trouble considering this episode as good is because, while it was funny and has the introduction of a great new character in Cranky, this is the first episode to actually make me dislike any of the Mane 6 in an episode. Such a thing is not enough to change her position of 14th in my top 20 favourite characters (although the addition of Cranky to the list may change that) as I have liked her in the other episodes but is enough to view her poorly in that one particular episode.

The next episode (whenever it airs) is ‘Putting Your Hooves Down’, an episode I don’t have high expectations for but I didn’t have high hopes for ‘Green Isn’t Your Colour’ and ‘Baby Cakes’ and they both turned out terrific so hopefully it will also be a terrific episode that I can enjoy.

Since this musing I have come to tolerate the actions of Pinkie more so and bask more in the great humour of the episode. While I still think of the ending as rushed and found the 'Smile, Smile, Smile' song to be rather dull, the actions of Pinkie Pie were well meaning and she did feel remorseful for what she had done. So yeah, I have come to like this episode more since my musing, the ending feels like a cop-out but the humour sure as heck isn't, and while I wouldn't rate this episode as fantastic it certainly isn't average. I hope you enjoyed reading, feel free to comment, and cheerio!

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