This blog of mine was created for no real purpose other than to be able to keep track of other blogs with greater ease. Sure I have tried to use it for a purpose once or twice, mostly in making it into a Fanfiction blog, but I have not been as heavily invested in fanfiction as I once was for quite some time (although I am slowly getting back into it, the Review King will take up his crown once more). In the meantime I have discovered something I can use this blog for, posting up my opinion on episodes of (if you can't tell from the rather obvious title) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic currently stands as my sixth favourite cartoon, and it is thanks to its community that I have been slowly investing my time and attention back into fanfiction. After joining (once again with the intention of using it only to track stuff, not invent) I ended up writing a Friendship is Magic fanfic (incomplete as of the moment but it will be finished by the end of this month and is available for reading at both and and also began utilising my profiles blog. For you see on each profile has a blog, and since 'The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000' I have been posting my opinions on episodes of Friendship is Magic. I wouldn't consider them reviews per say, if you want reviews you should visit '' and read James Corck's brilliant reviews; mine are merely musings where I can ramble on about my opinions on episodes in the hopes that I can discuss them with other people. Sadly I have only one follower on Fimfiction who joins in on the conversation but that's when I had the brilliant idea of posting my episode musings here.
Now this first post will concern my opinions on all episodes of season 1. I have written my opinions of the episodes in short one to two sentences with a pretty basic rating system (it goes poor, average, good, fantastic, and then top five of the season) because if I were to do an in-depth musing/review for each one this post would be blooming long. I will be posting my episode musings that I have done on at a later point but for now here are some quick opinion shouts about the episodes of season 1.
Mare in the Moon – A good episode, with my favourite part being how each character was introduced but the episode could have been improved if it lacked any mention of Nightmare Moon being Celestia’s sister, a fact later shown to have not been known by the characters (despite Twilight reading it from a book earlier).
Elements of Harmony – An average episode, with my favourite part being the manticore fight, although I felt Luna’s apology and turn over to good was both rushed and silly (it would have made more sense if the Mane 6 understood Luna’s pain and offered her their friendship rather than solving the problem with rainbow laser beams).
The Ticket Master – An average episode for lots of reasons but for me it was the introduction of my third favourite character Angel Bunny, however there was nothing in this episode that made me wow or go into hysterics.
Applebuck Season – A fantastic episode, the bunny stampede being my favourite part (Twilight’s deadpan reaction is just brilliant), with nothing really to dislike about it.
Griffon The Brush Off – An average episode, Pinkie’s line of ‘Can’t you watch me like a griffin’ being simply brilliant though I felt the rest of the prank based humour to be rather weak overall (too long to execute without enough humour in the result).
Boast Busters – An Average episode, as while I loved the Twilight Sparkle vs. Ursa Minor scenario this episode also introduced Trixie (whom the fandom is obsessed with for some reason), Snips, and Snails, some of the few characters that I dislike.
Dragonshy – A good episode, mostly for anything that Pinkie Pie and Rarity do in the episode (these two characters work brilliantly together), but I disliked the negative presentation of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy’s relationship (although I can understand her annoyance you would think Rainbow Dash would be used to Fluttershy’s many fears, having known her for so long).
Look Before You Sleep – My number one favourite episode of season 1 because Twilight proves to be best pony by having her most adorkable moments in this episode, the only grounds I can think of for disliking the episode is how it seems to side more so with Applejack than Rarirty when the plot should be neutral in opinion.
Bridle Gossip – A fantastic episode, I would say the best moments coming from Flutterguy, my only fault being that they were just as harsh on Twilight as the others despite her only jumping to conclusions when she had some form of evidence unlike the others who did so without any form of proof.
Swarm of the Century – A good episode, with Celestia’s reaction to Pinkie Pie being priceless, and though the episode doesn’t reach fantastic I don’t have anything to say for a negative.
Winter Wrap Up – A fantastic episode, with what is still my favourite song of the series, and the only possible negative being the odd moment from Spike (although those moments were played for laughs).
Call of the Cutie – A good episode because it introduces the Cutie Mark Crusaders though there is a key fault in how it makes no sense how Apple Bloom would not know of Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo considering there is only one school, teacher, and class.
Fall Weather Friends – A good episode with Spike and Pinkie Pie’s commentary being one of my all time favourite moments in the series (I hope we get more moments where main characters get to commentate on an event) and my only dislike centres on the fandom side of how this episode is probably what got AppleDash to be so popular (not that I dislike the pairing but it’s insane popularity does make other pairings involving Applejack or Rainbow Dash struggle to be noticed).
Suited For Success – A fantastic episode, with a fantastic song, and nothing I find too serious to point out as a negative or fault.
Feeling Pinkie Keen – A good episode, I loved seeing Twilight stalk Pinkie Pie and all the jokes that came with it however I dislike that Twilight believed in Pinkie Sense at the end rather than simply accepting that it wasn’t up to her to decide what others should believe in.
Sonic Rainboom – A fantastic episode, Fluttershy’s cheering is simply adorable at all moments (even when it becomes yelling, still cute) though the episode does suffer from the downside of being very predictable.
Stare Master – A fantastic episode, Cutie Mark Crusaders Carpenters is just a brilliantly written joke. The episode has quite a few small negatives such as the lack of Angel, the hopeful appearance of but then also lack of Zecora, and how Fluttershy proves she is good with children making the moral redundant being the minor nitpicks I had with the episode.
The Show Stoppers – My fifth favourite episode of season 1, Scootaloo makes every moment she is in rock and my two dislikes of a general lack of Rarity (we got to see Applejack reacting to the Crusaders practise and performance but I would have love to have seen Rarity’s as well) and Applejack lying (is it just me or does it seem like it would make more sense if Applejack was the element of loyalty and Rainbow Dash was the element of honesty) are pretty small.
A Dog and Pony Show – My second favourite episode of season 1, the diamond dogs are still my favourite creatures in the series, and my only disappointment was the lack of a fight (this episode felt it was the most likely to have a proper battle as it were, like the manticore battle).
Green Isn’t Your Colour – A fantastic episode, Twilight attempting to keep a secret is just absurdly hilarious, and nothing too big to write down as a fault.
Over A Barrel – My fourth favourite episode of season 1, because of the opening with Applejack reading a bed time story to an apple tree, and because of the train ride conversation, and because of Chief Thunderhooves, and because of a lot of things that I really can’t decide which is better, those three are equally rated as my favourite parts from this episode. A big negative with the episode is how the Mane 6 don’t help solve the problem, in fact they make it worse (which would be okay if the moral was that sometimes trying to interfere with another person’s problems can cause more harm than good but that wasn’t the moral).
A Bird in the Hoof – A fantastic episode, with the ‘banish you, or put you in a dungeon or banish you and put you in a dungeon where she banished you’ being a terrific moment. As for a dislike, well Philomena came across as a real jerk and faking your death to cause Fluttershy to start tearing up is just a step too far for any prank.
The Cutie Mark Chronicles – An average episode, and while Scootaloo was also awesome in this episode, as a FlutterDash fanatic, the best part for me was Rainbow Dash protecting Fluttershy from bullies and then proceeding to race to defend her honour. I’m not a big fan of the episode for how disjointed it feels and the overall moral suggests that they are together because of destiny rather than simply wanting to be friends out of completely their own choice.
Owl’s Well That Ends Well – The only episode of season 1 I consider poor as while the ‘punch has been Spiked’ was a surprising joke not much else was all that funny, Owloysius feels like a mere plot device and Spike comes across really bad for his first character focused episode (although he shared the main character spotlight in A
Dog and Pony Show with Rarity and came across much better there).
Party of One – My third favourite episode of season 1, while Pinkie Pie going crazy is an incredible moment I think my favourite part is the house-sitting for Harry the bear/collect volleyballs and play seashells part, both in its execution and when it is referred too later. Nothing to complain about this episode other than the fandom assuming that every time Pinkie Pie becomes sad her hair instantly deflates (in this case she was really sad and depressed, stop making it happen with every little thing fandom).
The Best Night Ever – An average episode due to how disjointed a good amount of the episode felt (and Twilight having barely any involvement), but there were several great moments and in particular I loved Fluttershy’s trap and evil laugh.
There you go, now you know my opinions on all the episodes of season 1. While it would have been better to do more in depth musings on each one I feel that would have taken up quite a lot of time and that it is easier to just get my point across with these shorts.
Elements of Harmony – An average episode, with my favourite part being the manticore fight, although I felt Luna’s apology and turn over to good was both rushed and silly (it would have made more sense if the Mane 6 understood Luna’s pain and offered her their friendship rather than solving the problem with rainbow laser beams).
The Ticket Master – An average episode for lots of reasons but for me it was the introduction of my third favourite character Angel Bunny, however there was nothing in this episode that made me wow or go into hysterics.
Applebuck Season – A fantastic episode, the bunny stampede being my favourite part (Twilight’s deadpan reaction is just brilliant), with nothing really to dislike about it.
Griffon The Brush Off – An average episode, Pinkie’s line of ‘Can’t you watch me like a griffin’ being simply brilliant though I felt the rest of the prank based humour to be rather weak overall (too long to execute without enough humour in the result).
Boast Busters – An Average episode, as while I loved the Twilight Sparkle vs. Ursa Minor scenario this episode also introduced Trixie (whom the fandom is obsessed with for some reason), Snips, and Snails, some of the few characters that I dislike.
Dragonshy – A good episode, mostly for anything that Pinkie Pie and Rarity do in the episode (these two characters work brilliantly together), but I disliked the negative presentation of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy’s relationship (although I can understand her annoyance you would think Rainbow Dash would be used to Fluttershy’s many fears, having known her for so long).
Look Before You Sleep – My number one favourite episode of season 1 because Twilight proves to be best pony by having her most adorkable moments in this episode, the only grounds I can think of for disliking the episode is how it seems to side more so with Applejack than Rarirty when the plot should be neutral in opinion.
Bridle Gossip – A fantastic episode, I would say the best moments coming from Flutterguy, my only fault being that they were just as harsh on Twilight as the others despite her only jumping to conclusions when she had some form of evidence unlike the others who did so without any form of proof.
Swarm of the Century – A good episode, with Celestia’s reaction to Pinkie Pie being priceless, and though the episode doesn’t reach fantastic I don’t have anything to say for a negative.
Winter Wrap Up – A fantastic episode, with what is still my favourite song of the series, and the only possible negative being the odd moment from Spike (although those moments were played for laughs).
Call of the Cutie – A good episode because it introduces the Cutie Mark Crusaders though there is a key fault in how it makes no sense how Apple Bloom would not know of Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo considering there is only one school, teacher, and class.
Fall Weather Friends – A good episode with Spike and Pinkie Pie’s commentary being one of my all time favourite moments in the series (I hope we get more moments where main characters get to commentate on an event) and my only dislike centres on the fandom side of how this episode is probably what got AppleDash to be so popular (not that I dislike the pairing but it’s insane popularity does make other pairings involving Applejack or Rainbow Dash struggle to be noticed).
Suited For Success – A fantastic episode, with a fantastic song, and nothing I find too serious to point out as a negative or fault.
Feeling Pinkie Keen – A good episode, I loved seeing Twilight stalk Pinkie Pie and all the jokes that came with it however I dislike that Twilight believed in Pinkie Sense at the end rather than simply accepting that it wasn’t up to her to decide what others should believe in.
Sonic Rainboom – A fantastic episode, Fluttershy’s cheering is simply adorable at all moments (even when it becomes yelling, still cute) though the episode does suffer from the downside of being very predictable.
Stare Master – A fantastic episode, Cutie Mark Crusaders Carpenters is just a brilliantly written joke. The episode has quite a few small negatives such as the lack of Angel, the hopeful appearance of but then also lack of Zecora, and how Fluttershy proves she is good with children making the moral redundant being the minor nitpicks I had with the episode.
The Show Stoppers – My fifth favourite episode of season 1, Scootaloo makes every moment she is in rock and my two dislikes of a general lack of Rarity (we got to see Applejack reacting to the Crusaders practise and performance but I would have love to have seen Rarity’s as well) and Applejack lying (is it just me or does it seem like it would make more sense if Applejack was the element of loyalty and Rainbow Dash was the element of honesty) are pretty small.
A Dog and Pony Show – My second favourite episode of season 1, the diamond dogs are still my favourite creatures in the series, and my only disappointment was the lack of a fight (this episode felt it was the most likely to have a proper battle as it were, like the manticore battle).
Green Isn’t Your Colour – A fantastic episode, Twilight attempting to keep a secret is just absurdly hilarious, and nothing too big to write down as a fault.
Over A Barrel – My fourth favourite episode of season 1, because of the opening with Applejack reading a bed time story to an apple tree, and because of the train ride conversation, and because of Chief Thunderhooves, and because of a lot of things that I really can’t decide which is better, those three are equally rated as my favourite parts from this episode. A big negative with the episode is how the Mane 6 don’t help solve the problem, in fact they make it worse (which would be okay if the moral was that sometimes trying to interfere with another person’s problems can cause more harm than good but that wasn’t the moral).
A Bird in the Hoof – A fantastic episode, with the ‘banish you, or put you in a dungeon or banish you and put you in a dungeon where she banished you’ being a terrific moment. As for a dislike, well Philomena came across as a real jerk and faking your death to cause Fluttershy to start tearing up is just a step too far for any prank.
The Cutie Mark Chronicles – An average episode, and while Scootaloo was also awesome in this episode, as a FlutterDash fanatic, the best part for me was Rainbow Dash protecting Fluttershy from bullies and then proceeding to race to defend her honour. I’m not a big fan of the episode for how disjointed it feels and the overall moral suggests that they are together because of destiny rather than simply wanting to be friends out of completely their own choice.
Owl’s Well That Ends Well – The only episode of season 1 I consider poor as while the ‘punch has been Spiked’ was a surprising joke not much else was all that funny, Owloysius feels like a mere plot device and Spike comes across really bad for his first character focused episode (although he shared the main character spotlight in A
Dog and Pony Show with Rarity and came across much better there).
Party of One – My third favourite episode of season 1, while Pinkie Pie going crazy is an incredible moment I think my favourite part is the house-sitting for Harry the bear/collect volleyballs and play seashells part, both in its execution and when it is referred too later. Nothing to complain about this episode other than the fandom assuming that every time Pinkie Pie becomes sad her hair instantly deflates (in this case she was really sad and depressed, stop making it happen with every little thing fandom).
The Best Night Ever – An average episode due to how disjointed a good amount of the episode felt (and Twilight having barely any involvement), but there were several great moments and in particular I loved Fluttershy’s trap and evil laugh.
There you go, now you know my opinions on all the episodes of season 1. While it would have been better to do more in depth musings on each one I feel that would have taken up quite a lot of time and that it is easier to just get my point across with these shorts.
If possible I would love for you to comment and share your opinions on the mentioned episodes or even the series as a whole. It doesn't matter if they differ, I would simply like to be able to converse with others about the show. Cheerio for now.
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